It’s time for a change in perspective.

This is for the people who are fed up of being told they need to look a certain way to be beautiful.

This is for the people who want a damn good time and to not feel guilty about it because it’s not exactly “wellness”.

This is for the people who want to read about the latest shade of lipstick and read the latest research in neuroscience.

This is for the people who know that beauty is not just a look. It's a feeling and a mindset.

This is for the people who care about skincare ingredients and making our world a better place. 

This is for people who can have a ten step skincare routine and drink their greens, and sometimes party ‘till the sun comes up and wear yesterday's make up

This is for the movers and shakers. The community builders. The “how can I make the world of beauty a better one?” people.

This is for the ‘I want it all’ people.

This is for conversations about challenging the notion that beauty is anything other than what it means to you.

This is for the people who know that when we look good feel good and do good, we have the power to change the world.

Are you in?

Join US.

We’re driven by an insatiable curiosity about the world of beauty

Yet endlessly frustrated by unrealistic and obnoxious beauty standards and the impact the industry has on our planet*. This is where you get to define what beauty means to you (a radical notion and we’re sticking to it).


*Which is why…

We’re working on launching our OWN SHOP that’ll help you do better for the planet with every purchase. Our plan is to tackle the excessive waste generated in the beauty industry by keeping what we love to call, ‘imperfectly perfect’ products in circulation for you to enjoy. Sign up to our newsletter to keep in the know.