6 Podcasts We Are Obsessing Over This Month

Have you ever asked yourself, "What's the single best way to transform boring af commutes, monotonous chores or lazy Sunday afternoons into an INDULGENCE of beauty knowledge, life hacks, and soul-enriching insight?"

Then allow me to let you in on a little secret — it's all about having the right podcasts lined up.

We're living in something of a golden age of podcasts, with a veritable smorgasbord of quality and accessible conversations, all at the tips of our fingertips. Yet, amongst this overwhelming amount of choice, how do you find these hidden treasures?

Well done worry, because we’ve got you covered. Prepare yourself for an enriching journey, where we'll dive in to the world of beauty, explore the science of healthy habit formation, delve into the riveting realm of self-development, and even have a chinwag over the multifaceted experience of being fantastically, undeniably human.

Here are five podcasts we're absolutely obsessed with - and we reckon, once you've immersed yourself in these beauties, you might just become similarly smitten. 

Breaking Beauty

Handle: @breakingbeautypodcast

Ever thought about the backstories of some of the world's most iconic beauty products? Wondering how they came to be? Imagine a chat with the brainy creators behind them - bringing their inspiring, revealing, and sometimes tongue-in-cheek narratives from concept to vanity.

The Breaking Beauty Podcast, hosted by Jill Dunn and Carlene Higgins have created this podcast specifically for beauty enthusiasts and anyone curious about the minds behind well-loved beauty brands.

We love this podcast for its refreshing mix of informative and entertaining content. It's like a serving of beauty education and amusement on a silver platter. 

  • Insightful: Unravel the creation journey of your favourite skin cream or lipstick, straight from the horse's mouth.

  • Candid: The hosts are not only knowledgeable, they're also ridiculously fun, engaging, and oh-so-relatable with their beauty confessions.

  • Innovative: A unique entry into the podcast space that blends beauty and behind-the-scenes in a way you didn't know you needed.

So, go on, click on that link, and join the Breaking Beauty podcast tribe. After all, what's a makeup kit without a dash of inspiration and a story or two?

Date yourself Instead

Handle: @dateyourselfinstead

Contemplating solitary nights with a bowl of popcorn and a rom-com as company? Might we suggest a refreshingly humorous shift towards a bit of self-discovery instead with the ever-exquisite podcast 'Date Yourself Instead'? 

This podcast begs you to immerse yourself in your own narrative rather than spending your time endlessly seeking 'the one'. Like a great friend who has been single for as long as forever, this podcast colossally blesses us with the beauty of enjoying one's own company. 

Tackle your ideas of self-worth, realise the love you have for the person you are, and unleash an unparalleled level of personal creativity without the constant need of an 'other'. Embrace a self-induced honeymoon period loving no one else but—you guessed it—you!

  • Fresh perspective: Offers a unique and interesting take on self-love.

  • Self-exploration: Encourages listeners to venture into the world of self-contentment.

  • Inspiring: Emphasises that you are worth the time and effort of www.self-discovery.

Final thoughts? The Date Yourself Instead podcast will not only tickle your fancy with a novel perspective on self-love, but it'll also nudge you to wander into the territory of self-satisfaction in a way you didn't think feasible. Slip into your own narrative; you're worth the moment. 


Handle: @trashtalk.studio

Are you ready to embark on a wild ride into the world of beauty, self-development, and raw human emotion? Then buckle up, because trashtalk.studio is about to whisk you off on an audacious journey that'll leave you both enlightened and entertained! 

TrashTalk*Studio is “a series of conversations exploring the emotional, cultural and spiritual dimensions of ecological consciousness; and what it takes to live in right relationship with the earth.”

  • Provocative: The dialogues you'll dive headfirst into here are ripe with triggers and eureka moments galore. It feels akin to an uncharted island brimming with nuggets of truths ready to change the way you perceive the beauty industry, and possibly, the world.

  • Magnetic: From in-depth heart-to-hearts with industry leaders to glimpses into the enigma that is the beauty industry's backstage, the content rendered here is more stimulating than a cup of your finest Arabica.

  • Nurturing: This isn't just a podcast, but a veritable refuge. Imagine settling down on a cosy bean bag with a cup of steaming hot cocoa on a stormy night, that is the feeling of camaraderie and comfort you will experience while delving into the intricate dialogues on trashtalk.studio.

Now, are you prepared for a change in tempo? Trust us—you'll be obsessed in no time! 

feel better, live more

Handle: @drchatterjee

Ever dreamed about feeling so pumped and energised throughout the day with no afternoon slump ? Oh yearning for the healthiest (and happiest!) digestive system? Well "Feel Better, Live More" podcast has got you covered like an umbrella in a downpour of health and lifestyle advice. 

Each riveting episode of this podcast, with their intense focus on health and wellbeing, are tantalising treats for the body and mind alike, providing practical tips and insights in the quest for a more robust life. 

"When we feel better, we live more. This simple discovery drives me to help people understand the massive potential they have to transform their own lives. From the food you eat to the way you sleep, each element of your life is worth considering." - Dr. Chatterjee

This podcast has the potential to give you a radical overhaul of how you perceive your health, well-being, and the way you live. So, how would we describe this podcast? Perfectly encapsulated within three adjectives: 

  • Inspirational: Dr. Chatterjee, with his vast medical knowledge and charismatic personality, instills a sense of hope and positivity in each episode.

  • Insightful: From breakthroughs in science to secrets of mental health, the range of topics discussed gives you a unique insight into how small changes can make big differences in your life.

  • Empowering: With practical advice on everything from diet to sleep, this podcast leaves you feeling motivated, confident, and ready to take charge of your well-being.

So, what are you waiting for? Why not plug in your headphones, press play, and let Dr Chatterjee empower you on your quest to 'Feel Better, Live More'?

Changes with Annie Macmanus

Handle: @anniemacmanus

Picture this: it's Friday evening, you've just sunk into your favourite armchair and you're yearning for something captivating, enlightening, and wonderfully conversational to fill your ears. Allow me to introduce you to Changes with Annie Macmanus. 

In this podcast, Annie -that's DJ Annie Mac if you're not yet on first name terms- engages her guests in an intimate tête-à-tête, navigating through the winding paths of their life events and the invaluable insights they've gathered along the way. 

The jewel in the crown? It's refreshingly frank and honest. We're talking about real change and the wild roller coaster of life, folks- no sugarcoating whatsoever! 

Now, before I prattle on, let's lay out some of the standout episodes. Prepare to add more entries to your ever-growing podcast backlog! 

Episode 1: Raw Beginnings Annie Macmanus Anne takes centre stage, delving into her own transformation and evolution, both personally and professionally.

Episode 18: The Art of Observation David Harewood A riveting conversation with award-winning actor David Harewood, where he shares his journey, setbacks, wins and all.

  • Engaging: Each episode grabs your attention right from the start. You're not just a listener, but a participant. Isn't that exceptional?

  • Inspiring: Every conversation sparks a jolt of inspiration, making you see life from fresh vantage points. Isn't it delightful to get such a mental jog?

  • Insightful: MacManus's interviews peel back layers, revealing true-life experiences, wisdom, and insights. Who wouldn't relish such depth and richness?

What's the major draw of Changes with Annie? It's the podcasting equivalent of a cosy fireside chat. No airs and graces, just authentic conversations with an array of fascinating individuals. Worth a listen, wouldn't you say? Enjoy!

The Emma Guns Show

Handle: @emmaguns

Imagine you're sinking into your favourite armchair with a cuppa, ready for a hearty chat with a dear friend. Yes, you're envisioning right, The Emma Guns Show is exactly that virtual companion packed with warmth and wit. 

The inimitable Emma Gannon is our host, dishing out enticing episodes that are a delicious blend of deep-dive interviews, wellness inspiration, and fascinating behind-the-scenes revelations from the world of beauty, health and wellness. Oh, how can one resist? 

Looking for a spark of motivation? Check.

Interested in trends and breakthroughs in self-improvement and health? Check.

In need of some comforting chitchat that feels as snug as a warm blanket? An emphatic check.

  • Insightful: The conversations you'll get sucked into here are bursting with lessons and gems of wisdom. It's like a treasure chest of unexpected enlightenment!

  • Enticing: From deep-dive interviews to tantalising peeks behind the beauty industry's curtain, the content here is as addictive as a bag of salted caramel popcorn.

  • Comforting: This is the kind of show that wraps you up in a warm audio blanket, offering intimate talks that feel as cosy and comforting as a well-worn jumper. Armed with this triptych of adjectives, you're one step closer to finding your podcast soulmate in The Emma Guns Show. 

Are you ready yet to hop on this delightful sojourn of relatable content and engaging storytellers? Then let's not delay! The Emma Guns Show is just a click away, ready to enthral and enliven your podcast playlist.

bottom line

As we wrap up our sonorous soiree, we trust you've stumbled upon some captivating podcasts that now beautifully embellish your auditory canvas. These five recommendations each possess their distinct charm, calling out for your exploration. 

Cracking open this box of podcasts promises a myriad of delights; a realm of beauty, self-development, and shared human experiences, now just a pair of headphones away. 

Rest assured, at least one, if not all, of these podcasts will resonate with your unique auditory DNA. Will you embark on exploring the whole list or first dive into the one that plays the most enticing tune?

No matter your pick, each press of the play button sets forth a thrilling trek on uncharted terrain. So, ready or not, here comes some seriously delightful aural entertainment!



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