5 Ways to Nourish Your Mental Health This ‘World Mental Health’ Day

Let's pretend that mental health is a house plant. You water it, give it a chance to bask in that heavenly glow of sunlight, speak to it (yes, I am guilty), and even sing "Here Comes the Sun" on Sundays. But have you ever wondered if your mental state needs that kind of loving too? 

We find ourselves living in times where "stress" could well be the middle name of each one of us. A recent study tells us that more than 40% of adults feel that they are more stressed now than they were five years ago. And the numbers for those tackling anxious thoughts? Higher, with over 50% of adults grappling with anxiety issues daily.

Now more than ever, the world and our minds need us to step up. We're not just talking about bubble baths with rose petals or that mint-chocolate-chip ice cream tub. And no, binge-watching Netflix doesn't count either.

Like we care for that precious house plant on our windowsill or that succulent posing majestically on our work desk, tending to our mental health requires more intention. It's about time we rolled up our sleeves and jumped head first into the pool of self-care. Because let's face it, self-care isn't just a trendy buzzword, it's equal parts necessity and self-preservation. 

How, you ask? We've got 5 simple and wonderful ways to start nourishing that mind and soul of yours.

Express, don't suppress:

Got that fickle lot of butterflies in your stomach or chest that just won't keep still? Thats ok, you're human.

Try talking it out - it could be with your best mate, a family member, a counsellor or even your all-embracing journal. According to a study conducted by the University of Texas, expressive writing can reduce tension, stress, and depression. So dust off that diary and let those words tumble out to get it off your body and your mind.

Breathe, my dear:

It's mind-boggling, really, what a couple of deep breaths can do. The American Institute of Stress (yes, such an institution exists) reveals that deep breathing increases the supply of oxygen to your brain and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes a state of tranquillity. Meditation and Breathwork are also buzz words in the de-stressing and optimal living realm of modalities to give a try.

Move it till you lose it:

Exercise is no longer limited to those Herculean muscle moguls; even having a little dance around your room can do wonders for your brain. See, moving about helps trigger the release of serotonin, the 'happy hormone'. Studies have shown time and time again that simply moving our body can reduce anxiety, lower depression levels and help you get a better sleep.

Have you heard of somatic therapy yet? Basically, 'Soma' is Greek for the body, and this therapy deals with understanding our emotional responses through physical sensations (little tummy flutter when you see your crush, anyone?). So essentially, it's just adding fancy science names onto what your grandma told you - your body knows things! 

Dance can be a potent form of somatic therapy - and you don't need the grace of a swan or the rhythm of Beyoncé to benefit. Ever had one of those days where a good old kitchen boogie was your salvation? Yep, us too. Somatic therapists believe that moving your body can release trapped stress and trauma. Dance helps us express feelings, maybe ones we didn’t even know we were harbouring! 

Remember, your body is a temple - but it doesn't mind a bit of a rave now and then. So go on, fill your rooms with music and your body with movement and let the healing energy flow for an embodied World Mental Health Day.

Clutter less, live more:

Ever thought that your jumble of possessions could be causing you mental anguish? Well, let's face it, a tidy space equals a tidy mind. The University of Massachusetts found a direct relation between clutter and procrastination, and indirectly, higher stress levels. Minimalism, anyone? You'll be amazed at the magic of extra floor space.

A diet for your brain:

And finally, the piece de resistance – nourishing your brain with the right diet. Your brain may be an organ, but it functions like an uptight diva. It craves certain types of foods while you're out gallivanting with chunky, calorie-laden, guilty indulgences. Nutritional Psychiatry — a rather new field — argues that what you eat directly impacts brain health and mood.

"Did you know?!

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate sleep and appetite, mediate moods, and inhibit pain. Since about 95% of your serotonin is produced in your gastrointestinal tract, and your gastrointestinal tract is lined with a hundred million nerve cells, or neurons, it makes sense that the inner workings of your digestive system don't just help you digest food, but also guide your emotions” - Dr. Eva Selhub

Time to level up and start passionate flirtations with brain boosting foods, including:

  • Dark and Leafy Green Vegetables

  • Fatty Fish

  • Berries

  • Walnuts

  • Green Tea

  • Avocados

Global Mental Health Charities: A Helping Hand 

But what if you're feeling a little more deflated than usual? Remember, it's okay not to be okay. The most important thing is never to brush yourself off. If you're feeling a bit beaten down, there are loads of incredible global charities waiting to lend a helping hand. 

Charity: Mind

Location: United Kingdom

About: Mind provides advice and support to anyone experiencing mental health problems. They offer a variety of resources through their website, including information on mental health, where to get help, alternative treatments, and what to do if you're struggling to get the help you need.

Charity: Beyond Blue

Location: Australia

About: Beyond Blue provides support for people in Australia who are dealing with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Their goal is to equip people with the knowledge and skills to protect their own mental health.

Charity: Mental Health America

Location: United States

About: United States Mental Health America (MHA) is a leading community-based non-profit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and promoting the overall mental health of all Americans.

Charity: The Canadian Mental Health Association

Location: Canada

About: The Canadian Mental Health Association provides advocacy, programs, and resources for Canadians seeking mental health support. This includes after-hours assistance and access to therapy.

the bottom line

So of course, we are all in this together. There's a bucket load of resources that can be your guiding North Star in this journey of mental health celebration. Be it Dr Brené Brown's "The Power of Vulnerability" or the enlightening podcast 'Happy Place' by Fearne Cotton, you can get your daily dose of mental self-care motivation. 

But at the end of the day, remember, we don’t have to have it all figured out right away. So, bring out that scented candle, pour yourself a glass of wine (or green juice if you fancy), put your feet up, and let's raise a toast to this Mental Health day! 



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