6 Daily Habits to Help You Celebrate Your Individuality and Reject Unrealistic Beauty Standards

Every morning, as we look into the mirror, we invariably throw ourselves into the gladiatorial arena of 'beauty standards'. How many times have you thought, "Am I too fat? Too thin? Gahhh my under-eye circles". But how, and why has this become the default way to speak about ourselves for so many? Who set these impossible standards for us to follow in the first place? And why do we follow them so religiously?

As we navigate a better way to think about the term beauty, let's remember one fundamental truth: beauty is subjective, and it comes in many forms. So isn't it time we redefine these standards to celebrate our individuality? We think so. Let's explore 6 daily habits we can start today to help us shift our perspective on beauty into one that celebrates our individuality.  

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself” - Coco Chanel

1. Affirmations + Positive Self Talk

Do you know who your harshest critic is? Surprise, surprise, it's you! Yes, that little but mighty voice inside your head. The way we talk to ourselves often shapes our self-perception, moulding our views about our bodies and looks. It's time to change the narrative. And who better to start that change than yourself? 

Instead of focusing on your perceived flaws, let's celebrate your unique features, that cheeky dimple, the unruly curl in your hair, or the freckles sprinkled across your nose. These are not imperfections! They are what make you, well, you! As the saying goes, "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." 

Here are some affirmations you can practice every day to boost your self-confidence and promote a healthier self-image. Remember, the more we repeat something, the more our mind believes it. So, why not repeat something positive? 

  1. "I am beautiful just the way I am. There’s no one else just like me in the whole world. That’s magic"

  2. "My body is an incredible machine and I am grateful for it. Strong, capable and beautiful"

  3. "I celebrate my uniqueness every day."

  4. "I am more than my physical appearance."

  5. “I am amazing, and worthy of love by simply being”.

Try saying these affirmations aloud, write them on sticky notes and place them around your house, or make them your phone wallpaper. Do whatever works for you. The aim? Remind yourself daily that you are wonderfully made and beautiful in your own unique way. 

It's not about concealing your so-called 'flaws'. It's about embracing them, flaunting them, and realising that the more you do, the more you inspire others to do the same.

2. Embrace Positive Influences 

Ever heard the saying, "you are the company you keep"? It's an oldie but goldie, and it couldn't be more relevant here. It's time we talk about the power of positive influences on your perception of beauty. 

Consider this. The people and media you surround yourself with can either support or sabotage your self-image. It's a no-brainer, right? So, why not choose to surround yourself with body-positive influences? 

  1. The Power of Social Media: Social media is a double-edged sword, isn't it? It can either make you feel like a million bucks or drain your self-esteem. But guess what? You hold the reins. You can curate a feed that promotes body positivity and diversity. Follow body-positive influencers, motivational and realistic fitness gurus, and advocates for mental health. They don't just post pretty pictures — they inspire, motivate, and make you fall in love with the person you see in the mirror. Now, this might sound a tad radical, but trust me, it works. Unfollow those accounts that make you feel 'less than'. Replace them with accounts that promote body positivity and self-love. Isn't it time we curate our social media feeds to reflect our values? 

  2. Conversations Matter: Sometimes, people around us unknowingly say things that reinforce harmful beauty standards. It's time to change the narrative. Initiate conversations with your loved ones about the harmful effects of unrealistic beauty standards. It might be a bit uncomfortable initially, but remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, right?

3. Distract Yourself with Creativity 

Engaging in creative activities can work wonders in shifting our focus from physical appearance to inner beauty. Ever tried painting your feelings? Or dancing like no one's watching? Creativity is the perfect antidote to societal beauty norms, don't you agree? 

Now, if you're thinking, "Why creativity, of all things?" Here's why – science says so! According to various studies, creativity can have a positive impact on mental health. Engaging in creative activities releases dopamine, a natural anti-depressant in our brain. This feel-good chemical can boost our mood and even help combat depression. Now, who wouldn't fancy a dollop of dopamine daily? 

Being creative can reduce anxiety, stress, and negativity. It provides a healthy outlet for expressing our emotions and thoughts, something that can often be suppressed by societal beauty standards. So, why not use our creativity to defy these norms and embrace our true selves? 

Activities to Spark Creativity 

Now that we have established why creativity is beneficial for our mental health, let's look at some activities to spark that creative flame: 

  1. Art Therapy: Paint, draw, or sculpt your feelings out. It's not about the end product, it's about the process of creating.

  2. Dance It Out: Even if you think you have two left feet, just dance your heart out. Feel the rhythm, let go of inhibitions, and dance like no one's watching.

  3. Write Your Heart Out: Try writing poetry, a journal or even a blog. Writing helps to articulate thoughts and emotions in a way nothing else can.

  4. DIY Crafts: From making your own jewellery to decorating your space, DIY crafts can help stimulate your creativity.

So, the next time you feel overwhelmed by beauty standards, remember to dive into the world of creativity. After all, why should we let societal norms define us when we can redefine them with our creativity?

4. Embrace Diversity and Advocate for Change 

Wouldn't it be bloody boring if we all looked the same? Variety is, after all, the spice of life, and it's high time we championed that in beauty standards too. So, how about we shift our perspectives and start celebrating all forms of beauty? Including our own.

One way to do this is to challenge the established beauty standards. Embrace diversity, not just in your circle, but on a wider scale. Let's start advocating for change, shall we? And no, you don't need to stand on a soapbox in Hyde Park to make a difference, though if you fancy that, more power to you! 

Here's a non-exhaustive list of ways you can join the body-positive revolution: 

  1. Attend body positivity protests or rallies. Wave those placards and let your voice be heard!

  2. Sign petitions advocating for a broader representation of beauty in media and advertising.

  3. And it's not just about shouting louder, but also about putting your money where your mouth is. Support the brands and companies that promote diversity and inclusivity (inside and out). Choose to buy from brands that are shaking up the industry norms with their advertising and product offerings. It's about time we showed the beauty industry that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, colours... you name it! 

"Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It's about knowing and accepting who you are." - Ellen DeGeneres

So, ready to join the revolution and redefine beauty standards? Let's create a world where everyone feels beautiful, just the way they are!

5. Prioritise Your Happiness: Forget Beauty Standards, Embrace Your Uniqueness 

Ever caught yourself looking in the mirror, nitpicking all the features you wish you could change? But who's setting these rules anyway? Why not make your own standard? The real question here is, why are we so eager to conform to societal beauty standards, when we should be focusing on our happiness? It's high time we put our well-being first, don't you think? 

Now, I'm not suggesting a complete disregard for personal grooming or health. But what if we shift the focus from achieving a 'perfect' look to cultivating self-compassion and self-acceptance? Trust me, it's a game-changer! 

Your beauty should be about feeling good in your own skin, not fitting into a beauty checklist created by society.

So, how do we get there? 

  1. Practicing Mindfulness: Mindfulness teaches us to live in the present moment. When we're not obsessing over past insecurities or future anxieties, we can truly appreciate ourselves as we are. It's a journey, but every step is worth it!

  2. Seeking Therapy: There's no shame in seeking help. Sometimes, we need a bit of professional guidance to navigate our feelings and begin the journey of self-love. It's okay to reach out.

  3. Setting Personal Goals: Goals that align with your values and passions, not societal expectations. What makes you happy? What makes you feel fulfilled? Do more of that!

Let's start treating ourselves with the same kindness and understanding that we extend to others. Because at the end of the day, your happiness is what truly matters. So, are you ready to break free from the chains of beauty standards and embrace your unique self?

5. Time Travel visualisation for Immense Gratitude

Visualisation for gratitude is a powerful tool that can help shift your perspective on beauty standards. One simple trick for gratitude is mental time travel. This involves going back 10 years and thinking about how your past self would be in awe of where you are today. By doing this, you can appreciate the progress you have made and the person you have become.

By mentally travelling through time, we can gain a new perspective on our lives and appreciate the things we often take for granted. This can include our health, relationships, and personal achievements. It also notes that time travel can help us recognise the impermanence of life and the importance of cherishing each moment and by doing so, we can shift our focus away from external beauty standards and towards inner qualities such as kindness, compassion, and gratitude.

Incorporating mental time travel into your daily routine can be a powerful way to shift your perspective on beauty standards and cultivate a greater sense of gratitude. By appreciating the past, present, and future, you can learn to celebrate your imperfections and individuality, and challenge the unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by the media.

bottom line

There are 8 billion people in this world and counting and each one of us is uniquely beautiful. We come in all shapes, sizes, colours, and abilities, and that's what makes us so special. The beauty standards that are often perpetuated by the media are unrealistic, harmful, and we gotta say it, boring. They tell us that we need to look a certain way in order to be beautiful, but that's simply not true. Beauty is not about following someone else standard, it’s about living our own. And it we consciously practise these daily habits outlined above, even if its just one or two, we will reject unrealistic beauty standards and star living our own.

And when we reject unrealistic beauty standards and live our own, we are not only doing ourselves a favor, but we are also helping to create a more positive and inclusive world. Lets do this together.



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