Rethink Resolutions: LESS is the New MORE for a Beautiful 2024

Why don’t we forget the endless ‘New Year - New YOU’ lists, because, quite frankly, we’re tired of this rhetoric.

You know the score - Bursting into January declaring that you’re going to become a brand new sparkly person, only to find out you’re the same person come mid-Jan, but now carry a slew of disappointment and self-loathing because you couldn’t get more than 2.5 weeks into the New Year before breaking a resolution.

We’ve all been there.

So how about this year, we break the status quo and embrace a concept that might sound counterintuitive: doing less for a more beautiful and fulfilling 2024.

Why "less"? 

2023 left many of us feeling overwhelmed, overcommitted, and frankly, exhausted. 

We chased productivity, juggled obligations, and constantly plugged into a digital world.

But amidst the frenzy, something precious got lost: the space to simply be, to connect with ourselves and the world around us, and to cultivate inner beauty, and outer beauty on our own terms. 

So, in 2024, let's shift our focus. Instead of adding more to our plates, let's declutter. 

This isn't about becoming lazy or unproductive. 

It’s about curating experiences, connections, and habits that cultivate more stillness, more presence, and of course, more beauty in all its forms.

Here’s how it can look. 

  • LESS Scrolling, MORE living: Ditch endless screen time, reclaim your time and rediscover what sets your soul on fire.

  • LESS adhering to society’s beauty standards, MORE setting your own:  Define beauty on your terms. There are no rules except the ones you make for yourself.

  • LESS Comparision, MORE Compassion: Stop comparing yourself to complete strangers. Stop it. You are unique and worthy, just as you are.

  • LESS negativity, MORE gratitude: Let's make a conscious effort to focus on the positive aspects of our lives and practice gratitude for all that we have.

  • LESS Competition, MORE Collaboration: Sisterhood, not rivalry. We’re all in the crazy messy world together so why waste time competing with each other when we could use that energy to lift each other up.

  • Less Filters. More Realness: If you want to be part of the change the beauty industry needs to see, make the first move. Show you real skin, show the real you and let’s reject unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by AI. 

  • LESS multitasking, MORE focus: Instead of trying to do a million things at once, let's focus on being present in the moment and giving our full attention to the task at hand.

  • Less Aimless Spending, More Conscious Shopping Habits: Consider the impact of your shopping behaviour and adopt a slower, more conscious way of shopping to help protect our planet. 

  • LESS perfectionism, MORE progress: Let's go easy on ourselves and celebrate our progress, even if it's small.

So there we have it.

Here’s to making 2024 the year we did ‘LESS’ and making space for the things that truly matter. 

And in turn, make life a little more beautiful, for all of us.
Have a fantastic, beautiful start to 2024. 

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TIB x Faith