Pamela Anderson Shows Women They Can Be Anything They Want To Be


Pamela Anderson made headlines this week for choosing to ditch makeup for a natural look at Paris Fashion Week. While this shouldn’t really be front-page news, apparently a woman’s appearance and society’s obsession with beauty is more important than other things happening in the world. Sigh. 

Anyway, in the snapshots from the high-fashion event, the 56-year-old star confidently donned a striking yellow dress, with her signature blonde locks framing her face. But the real focus was her choice to go makeup-free. And, without a doubt, she looked absolutely sensational. 

The public response to Pamela Anderson's decision was pretty positive. One notable voice in the chorus was Freaky Friday actor Jamie Lee Curtis, who even took to social media to share her support. In a gushing post, Curtis not only commended Anderson's choice but also labelled it an act of rebellion. She wrote:

“THE NATURAL BEAUTY REVOLUTION HAS OFFICIALLY BEGUN! @pamelaanderson in the middle of fashion week with so many pressures and postures, and and and, this woman showed up and claimed her seat at the table with nothing on her face. I am so impressed and floored by this act of courage and rebellion.”

And, this is what most of the headlines have focused on. Two celebs celebrating natural beauty, acting as rebels and making women feel good. End of story. Or is it?

Sticking two fingers up at societal expectations.

Obviously, Pamela has endured a swathe of comments about her appearance throughout her professional life. Regardless of what she had or hadn’t done at Paris Fashion Week, it would have probably made headlines. However, to brazenly do something that she knew would surprise so many is a bold move. 

Curtis's words also struck a chord with many who saw this moment as a powerful departure from societal norms. Obviously, times are changing and people in the public eye who decide to ditch their makeup frequently get celebrated for their bravery in going against the gain. 

Of course, this is all great. At a time when social media often amplifies the pressure to look flawless, Anderson's choice to embrace her natural self is a refreshing act of defiance. 

But it shouldn’t be refreshing, it should be the norm. 

One follower wrote: “I think that rather than applauding women wearing no makeup, we should be applauding that she seems to have found her comfort zone and seems to be embracing what that is for her at that age. I don’t think we should start applauding less makeup, more makeup, etc., but rather women embracing what THEY want to do in the moment and not what anyone else wants them to do.”

And, we firmly back this camp. 

Pamela’s decision conveys a more important message that women have the freedom to follow their desires, whether that’s going makeup-free or doing a full face.

Oh, and it also challenges the notion that makeup is a mandatory mask that women must wear to high-profile events to be considered presentable. 👀

Pamela’s make-up-free look goes against the grain

As it turns out, Pamela has been increasingly ditching her makeup recently as she’s gained more control of the way she looks. What’s more, her makeup artist passed away and it prompted Pamela to ditch her classic makeup look altogether. Speaking to Elle, about her no-makeup routine, Pamela said: “I just went along with what people were telling me what to do.”

Pamela added that since her makeup artist’s passing, she’s not felt as inspired to get glammed up:  “I just felt, without Alexis, it’s just better for me not to wear makeup.” 

Unsurprisingly, she added that the experience has been nothing short of liberating, explaining that it’s felt “freeing, and fun, and a little rebellious too. Because I did notice that there were all these people doing big makeup looks, and it’s just like me to go against the grain and do the opposite what everyone’s doing.’ 

Authenticity doesn’t have a look

So what does all of this tell us? Well, I’d argue that it suggests authenticity doesn’t have any sort of defining look and that’s what we’re all about. In fact, this is the kind of message that goes beyond the world of fashion and beauty; it's a call for authenticity and self-empowerment. It’s being REAL at its finest. And that’s what all the headlines should really be writing about. 

In a society that often scrutinizes and judges women for their appearance, Pamela Anderson's choice to go makeup-free is a reminder that women should never feel pressured to conform. 

So, thank you, Pamela Anderson, for being authentic.

Your choice to go makeup-free isn't just about makeup; it's about women reclaiming their bodies, their appearances, their choices and their voices. And these days, that’s everything.

It's a powerful reminder that women can, and should, be anything they want to be. Confidently and unapologetically. And, in doing so, they inspire others to do the same.



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