TIB x Katrin

They say some people are born with the gift of helping others, and Katrin Hinkle is THE example.

Katrin is a certified Doula and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Coach and isn't just passionate about supporting mothers during pregnancy – she's here to empower them on their entire motherhood journey.

Join us as Katrin shares her wisdom and insights on self-love, embracing the beauty of motherhood and we take a deep dive into her role of a doula and the power of EFT tapping.
Could this be the key to unlocking emotional freedom and transformation for moms?

Let’s dive in and don’t forget to join Katrin's free EFT tapping session – linked below.

Can you share the moment when you knew you wanted to become a Doula and an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping coach? What sparked that decision for you?

My journey into becoming a Doula started about 16 years ago, up in the mountains of Oaxaca during my own son's birth. It was a profound moment for me. But what really sparked something was when I shared that experience with a young girl who was pregnant due to abuse and had been abandoned by her family. Seeing firsthand the transformative healing power of emotional support during childbirth, even in such a heartbreaking circumstance as hers, was eye-opening. I realized how crucial it is for women to have someone there with them during this vulnerable time.

Reflecting on my own vulnerability during that period, I felt a deep calling to guide and support women through this transformative time. That's what led me to pursue Doula training back in 2017. 

Along the way of working as a Doula, I came upon Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping and was blown away by its healing potential. It was like a light bulb moment for me. I saw how swiftly I was able to pinpoint the root of struggles and then transform them, not just in the mind, but in the body, too – creating this whole new embodied reality. So, I dove into advanced education, completing a year-long program with over 100 practice hours.

EFt tapping has not only helped me heal my own wounds, it gave me the tools to support others, even on a deeper level than before, on their path to a fulfilled motherhood. I learned so much about emotional freedom, healing, transformation, and growth – things I now use every day to help women navigate their own journeys in motherhood.

You have fused your work as an emotional freedom technique tapping coach with your doula work. Can you share more about that and about what your work as an EFT tapping coach & Doula involves?

As a Doula and EFT Tapping coach, I help women connect with their bodies, intuition, and their life stories. It's common for unresolved aspects of our stories to surface during birth or motherhood. Unfortunately, this crucial aspect of birth and motherhood preparation is often overlooked, with women solely focusing on the mechanics of birth rather than exploring the deeper factors that truly impact their satisfaction with the experience – such as inner safety and the ability to relax. These are directly linked to a mother's emotions and self-awareness of her needs, crucial for her sense of safety and ability to connect with her baby.

For instance one woman I worked with found herself overwhelmed by frustration triggered by her crying baby in postpartum. She was feeling shame and guilt about her anger. Through EFT Tapping, we connected with her inner child and uncovered the roots of her emotional turmoil. As she found healing for herself as a little girl, who had not received the comfort she had needed when she was little, she found a new capacity to nurture her baby with love and patience.

Another client felt pressured by her healthcare provider to induce labor at week 39, despite no risk to the baby. This led to fear and confusion for the mother, as she didn't want to induce unnecessarily. With EFT, she released these emotions, reconnected with her intuition, and made decisions aligned with her values.

Another mother struggled with breastfeeding. Through EFT she found the freedom to share about her feelings of  grief and guilt over an intended homebirth that ended in a cesarean birth. By processing her emotions and forgiving herself, she embraced a new perspective on her body and found ease in breastfeeding.

These stories exemplify the transformative power of EFT in motherhood, not merely coping with challenges but thriving through them. By healing generational wounds and transforming triggers, women can create deeper connections with their children, paving the way for more joy, love, and profound bonding experiences.

In what ways do you feel modern society undervalues the need for support of a woman during the incredible life-transforming time of pregnancy, postpartum and motherhood in general and how can we change that perception?

Support is crucial during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum; we're not meant to go through it alone. Women need to feel nurtured, seen, and cared for both physically and emotionally.

This period in a woman's life is both powerful and vulnerable. Our society is predominantly structured around masculine energy, but this time calls for a deep connection with our feminine energy—embracing being, receiving, and allowing support while releasing control and finding our voice to ask for what we need. It's about connecting with our inner wisdom, intuition, body, and feelings to establish a strong bond with our children and partners.

This journey brings profound changes—physically, hormonally, and in relationships. It's a time of expansion and self-discovery, even for those who've done extensive personal work.

 With the birth of a baby comes the birth of a mother, necessitating the death of the previous version of oneself for the new to emerge.

To shift the perception that this transition is solely blissful, mothers must share their stories, voice their struggles, and demand the support they need.

What are some common misconceptions about birth and the process a woman goes through after birth that you aim to debunk through your work?

One common misconception is that pain should be avoided. Yet pain (emotional and physical) can be a valuable ally and guide during birth and postpartum. Rather than avoiding pain, what we need is to create safety for the woman so she can feel her feelings and allow them to guide her to physical and emotional expansion.

Similarly, there's a myth that a beautiful birth guarantees a smooth postpartum, which isn't always the case. I advocate for creating birth circumstances that make women feel safe and supported, allowing them to surrender to the experience. However, we must recognize and support women through the vulnerable moments, especially during the intense hormonal transition of postpartum.

Our society's approach to maternity leave reflects a lack of understanding of the profound transition women undergo during birth and postpartum and undervalues the women's and babies need for support, rest and bonding time.

What are some common anxieties or fears women experience during pregnancy birth and in postpartum? How do you empower them to navigate these emotions?

Let me share with you a story of a client that illustrates common fears and how discovering and addressing your questions and fears during pregnancy is vital preparation for birth and postpartum:

A first-time expectant mother came to me with a mixture of excitement and apprehension about her upcoming birth. As we explored her concerns, she expressed fears about managing contractions, handling the pain of childbirth, and doubts about her ability to navigate motherhood. Additionally, she worried about how her relationship with her partner might be affected by the arrival of their baby.

Together, we explored her questions and fears during our sessions addressing each one individually. She learned tools for working through contractions, connected with her body wisdom through meditations and connected deeper with her baby and inner wisdom. Her partner and she learned communication techniques that strengthen their relationship. They created a common vision for life as parents and a plan for challenges and postpartum. By using EFT Tapping my client found a safe space to connect with her biography. She was able to identify the roots of her fears and transform them into feelings of safety, confidence, and trust. This created a stable foundation for her birth and journey into motherhood.

What do you find most beautiful about the journey of pregnancy, from the physical changes to the emotional transformations?

For me, the most beautiful aspect, both physically and emotionally, is witnessing a woman connecting with herself and her baby with new compassion. As she nurtures a home for her baby within, there's an undeniable longing for this profound connection with herself, her body's wisdom, and her intuition. Witnessing a woman finding the inner bravery to heal her own past wounds so she can, from a place of emotional health, be there for her child is the most beautiful transformation to be part of.

Why do you think women must cultivate a loving relationship with their bodies, embracing a mindset free from judgments about their physical appearance or conditions, and instead, open themselves to the valuable messages communicated by their bodies?"

Our bodies are designed to support our health. We often hold internalized judgments about our beauty, which hinder us from embracing our true power and magnetism. Often much of our confidence and values are intertwined with societal ideals of physical appearance. While many aspire to break free from these norms, few truly achieve a profound sense of beauty beyond cultural standards.

By honestly addressing the judgments we hold about our physical appearance, we can shift our perspective and cultivate a deep love for our bodies. There's nothing more captivating than a woman who is fully aligned with her body, embracing herself and caring for herself out of genuine self-worth. She listens to her body's messages and allows it to guide her. This unity with our bodies empowers us to live and create beauty in all areas of our life by manifesting our deepest desires in motherhood, relationships and in life.

How can we learn to accept our bodies as they are and love them, if we are stuck in “negative” emotions or narratives about ourselves and our bodies?

We can not think our way into something new! If you're stuck in a negative narrative about your body or negative emotions then don't shame or blame yourself for it. You're not alone.

If I would do an Eft tapping session with you about this we would get to know that part of you that is having those negative emotions or thoughts about your body. We would see who she is, where she is coming from, what her role is, what is she trying to do for you, what is she maybe trying to protect you from. We would work with that part of you and help that part of you be seen, heard and validated and through this allow your negative emotions or narrative to transform to a new emotion of deeper self love, self appreciation for your body and its wisdom. 

By doing this work a transformation into deeper self love happens. Some women start to love their bodies through exercise, others find freedom from fanatic exercising and allowing their bodies their need for rest or honor their feminine energy or cycle more. Others rediscover their own sexuality and sensuality, embracing the clothes that make them feel good, and reclaiming confidence in their work and daily lives.

What advice would you give to expectant mothers or women who have already given birth and who may be struggling to see the beauty in their changing bodies?

  1. Trust in your body's innate timing: My own journey through pregnancy at 40 reshaped my perception of beauty. Surrendering to its wisdom, I witnessed my body transform into a fuller form, fueled by nourishing food. Though embracing my pregnant body was effortless, loving my postpartum body proved more challenging. Despite my initial discomfort with my changed shape, I marveled at my body's enduring energy throughout pregnancy and its gradual return to familiarity post-birth.

  2. Cultivate Self-love in embracing your body's evolving shapes: Confronting my honest emotions and judgments about my postpartum body led to profound healing and self-love.

  3. Prioritize self-care: Recognizing how my judgments pointed me towards inner freedom, I committed to daily exercises to strengthen and reconnect with my body amidst the demands of motherhood and work. These sessions became a cherished time for self-love and a valuable lesson in nurturing self-care for my daughters.

Self-care is essential for mums, but sadly, our society often overlooks this. What role do you see it playing and what were some of your self love rituals during pregnancy and postpartum and in general for mothers?

Self-care and rest are superpowers for women and mothers. For me, self-care means prioritizing activities that replenish my inner well-being, allowing me to give to my children what they need.

The demands of motherhood, coupled with societal expectations of the "good mother" archetype, often lead to feelings of guilt around self-care. This creates a vicious cycle. To break this cycle, we must shift the narrative around self-care from being perceived as selfish to being recognized as a necessity for mothers so their children and babies can thrive. 

In motherhood, particularly during pregnancy and postpartum, I emphasize five essential self-care rituals:

  1. Physical and mental rest (yes, turning off the cell phone!)

  2. Nourish yourself with healthy, wholesome food: Prioritizing nutrient-rich meals rich in protein and healthy fats is vital for hormonal balance, energy, and overall well-being.

  3. Loving touch (indulge in warm oil massages, seek hugs from friends, or enjoy skin-to-skin contact with your baby)

  4. Time in nature (bask in the sun, take walks or swims, feel the wind, and immerse yourself in the soothing rhythm of nature)

  5. Support from friends or professionals, such as doulas or therapists, who provide a safe space to express your joys and struggles, feeling held, seen, heard, and understood.

What are your thoughts on today's beauty standards and the pressure for new mothers to ‘bounce back’ into their pre-pregnancy bodies? How can we change this narrative?

This is a topic of immense significance and often brings deep pain to women. Thankfully, initiatives like TIB and certain clothing companies are gradually challenging beauty standards. However, societal and internal pressures persist, expecting women to quickly regain their pre-birth appearance postpartum.

During pregnancy, some women may find their roundness beautiful and sexy. Yet, after birth, they often feel awkward and dissatisfied with their changed body shape and softer texture. This dissatisfaction isn't solely due to societal pressure but also stems from our own inner expectations and comparisons with other women's bodies.

I've seen women experience a range of negative emotions towards their postpartum bodies, despite the incredible miracles their bodies have performed. They may feel shame, anger, disappointment, or even disgust with their changed appearance. Many deprive themselves of previous pleasures, such as swimming, out of fear of others seeing their bodies.

Realizing that there's nothing to "bounce back" to but rather a new journey of self-discovery awaits, women can find healing and emerge even more confident and beautiful. If we discover the root of our insecurities, we can uncover healing and embrace our uniqueness without conforming to societal standards.

Brave mothers who embrace their post-birth bodies without shame serve as catalysts for change.

What is the most valuable lesson you've learned witnessing countless pregnancies and births and what to share with women preparing for the possibility of a radiant motherhood, either now or in the future?

Prioritize a loving connection with your body. Take the time to delve into your inner self, connect with your inner child, explore your life experiences, and examine the beliefs you hold. Ask yourself what still serves you and what may need to be released or transformed.

what is your definition of beauty?

Beauty for me is the incredible essence of a woman who fully embraces herself and is at home in her body. It's like she's tapped into her inner strength and guidance that lets her be vulnerable and strong at the same time. 


Huge thanks to Katrin for sharing her wisdom, advice and we hope her EFT tapping session has shifted your mindset about beauty and your body.

If you want to see more from katrin be sure to follow her on

And visit her website for more 




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