How Feminine & Masculine Energy Unlock Your Most Fulfilling Life

Did you know that you can feel better more often by being aware of your Feminine and Masculine Energy and how you use each of them?

Awareness of your Feminine and Masculine energy empowers you to unlock your fullest expression, to choose a path of self love and to live with intention rather than expectation.

Every one person has Feminine and Masculine Energy within them. These energies are simply that — energy. They do not determine gender of a person. So however you identify, you will have and use both energies. In ancient Chinese Philosophy, these energies are called Yin and Yang energy — Yin being Feminine and Yang being Masculine.

How do Feminine & Masculine Energy Create Your Optimal Life?

Feminine and Masculine Energy each have a specific purpose that influences how you live and experience your life. In a typical day you go back and forth between both without realising— it—that is, until you are aware of them.

The expression of Feminine Energy is associated with: 

  • Slowing down

  • Vulnerability

  • Playfulness

  • Beauty & Love

  • Emotions

  • Collaboration

  • Intuition

  • Sensual 

  • Nonlinear

The Feminine is known for the inner knowing, body awareness and emotional intelligence of your daily life.

masculine energy
feminine energy

The expression of Masculine Energy is associated with:  

  • Action

  • Logic & Focus

  • Risk-taking

  • Discipline

  • Survival & Protection

  • Objectivity

  • Assertive

  • Productive

  • Linear

The Masculine is knowledge, mental strength and will to take action. 

You can see that both energies contribute to having a well rounded experience and expression in life. 

Your Feminine and Masculine energies have a dynamic balance within you that is unique to you which contributes to you feeling good in your body, in your actions and both of which contribute to a pleasurable experience of life. 

Your dynamic balance is just that, dynamic. It is not an exact 50% balance of each energy nor is that the goal. Your balance with constantly be fluctuating moment to moment, day to day.

Finding Your Optimal Balance

The key is notice if you are consistently expressing one energy over the other. When you are out of your own dynamic balance, this is when you are likely to experience resistance, frustration and confusion in life.

When you are feeling out of sorts from frustration or exhaustion, a few questions to ask yourself are…

  • What is my schedule like lately? Have I overcommitted for the energy that I have available or am I wanting to connect with others that I trust?

  • Am I taking time to connect with myself and nature? When was the last time I allowed space for activities without needing an outcome?

  • What am I curious about right now and wish I had time for? Does it feel good to take an action step towards this curiosity?

  • Have I prioritized myself lately? What boundaries can I create to consistently prioritize myself?

Notice your answers. This is how you build awareness around how your Feminine or Masculine Energy can help you adjust and rebalance in a way that serves you. 

With too much Feminine energy and you will have a hard time getting anything done, you will over give your time and energy to others and deprioritise yourself. When you over give and do not give yourself any structure to work towards, you lose your connection to yourself and your purpose. This disconnection will lead you to take action for you which is your Masculine Energy.

If you have too much Masculine Energy, you will find yourself overthinking, overanalyzing and likely partaking in activities with the intention to produce an outcome. You will overwork yourself to burnout, which will force you into rest which is your Feminine Energy. 

Reaching the extremes of disconnection and burnout is common but not ideal. Feeling your best is a result of staying close to your dynamic balance. It is a balance and awareness of body and mind without overusing or neglecting one or the other. 

With more awareness of both energies and how they are expressed and experienced in your life, you can proactively empower yourself to switch into one energy or the other.

Activities for Feminine and Masculine Energy: 

To engage your Feminine Energy, choose an activity that invites you to be curious and playful. What activities did you like to do as a child or what activity have you always wanted to try but seemingly never have time for? For example, if you choose painting or dancing, allow yourself to experience painting or dancing without focusing on the quality of the outcome. Your Feminine Energy invites you to experience curiosity and play! It is pleasure for pleasure's sake. 

To engage your Masculine Energy, consider something that you are working to achieve in life, perhaps there is a desire or a goal that you want to achieve. What is the next logical step you can take towards it? The key is to think about just the next step, not the next ten steps. Plan 15-20 minutes in your day to consider what the next step is, what you need in order to take that step and schedule in when you are going to take action on it. Taking the next logical step starts the momentum for achieving your goals and desires. And, remember that there is no failure, only feedback for you to adjust and take the next step. 

polarity charge

When you feel good, you do good.

Remember, everyone has both Feminine and Masculine Energy to create their most fulfilling life. 

Feminine energy serves to remind you of who you are, through slowness, connection to self and emotions. 

Masculine energy takes the action steps to drive your desires and curiosities forward. 

To create your most fulfilling life, start to notice these energies within you so that you can feel your emotions without suppressing them, offer yourself unconditional love without judgement and take the next action towards your most desirable life without fear of failure, simply taking in the feedback and adjusting as needed. 

The more alive your Feminine and Masculine Energies become in their healthy expressions, the more you will feel fulfilled, internally validated and confident in the results you produce. You inner world of energy and acceptance for all parts of yourself creates your most authentic expression which is then reflected in your outer world. You will begin doing what feels good to you and letting go of what does not serve you. This is your power, your expression, your beauty. 

Look good, feel good, do good.



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