5 More People Changing the Beauty Conversation.

where enhanced, filtered and photoshopped images constantly flood our feeds, WE NEED TO TURN OUR ATTENTION ON THE REAL PEOPLE, WHO ARE changing the BEAUTY conversation, FOR THE BETTER.

At TIB, we believe that beauty goes beyond conventional standards and is rooted in individuality and self-expression. And we’re serious about helping you redefine what beauty means on your terms.

So instead of promoting one set standard for everyone, globally, we celebrate real people who are broadening our perception of beauty.

Gone are the days of scrolling through flawless, airbrushed images that leave us feeling inadequate. We want to introduce you to a selection of our favourite individuals who confidently embrace their unique features, reminding us that it is our differences that make us stand out.

So if you're tired of the same old picture-perfect portrayals and are looking for real, inspiring, and relatable people we invite you to explore the stories and journeys of these awesome individuals. Each one of them is rewriting their own beauty narrative and we love them for it.

Oyintofe Oduyingbo

Handle: oyintofe.o

Meet Oyintofe, your BFF in skincare who claims herself to be "skin realist." As an influencer in health and beauty, she uses her platforms to provide approachable skincare tips and tricks tailored for those navigating the world of self-care. Yes please!

“I started to notice that hardly anyone posted photos of their skin when they had a breakout; it was so rare to see my type of skin on social media. I decided I would do something different. I faced my fears and posted a photo of my real, unedited skin on Instagram. The love I got on that post stunned me. I felt so seen and appreciated in that moment, so I decided to do it again and again. Eventually, I stumbled upon the ‘skin positivity’ community. I saw people with so many different skin conditions, posting pictures of themselves, sharing their journeys and motivating others. I started to see that I wasn’t alone – there were people like me all over the world who were shy and maybe even a little ashamed to talk about their struggle with their skin. Posting my skin unfiltered on both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ skin days made me get used to my appearance. The bad relationship I had with my mirror gradually stopped.

Beyond skincare, Oyintofe radiates shares so much of her own tried and tested results and lessons on embracing self-love, emphasising the therapeutic power of sharing personal experiences. Definitely give her a follow for acne-prone skincare tips and a dose of confidence-boosting inspiration.


Handle: @sonyadanita

Sonya is straight up redefining beauty standards in the modelling industry and we are here for this!

On her platforms she talks about Malaysia's diverse celebration, but there is a less visible yet concerning issue that persists – the struggles faced by darker-skinned individuals, notably Malaysian Indians. Even though Sonya initially felt challenged getting into modelling being dark skinned and having vitiligo, that didn’t stop her. Not only did she conquer the modelling industry in Malaysia, but she also became an inspiration to others.

“Obviously people expect models to be slim, have even skin tones, and so on,but when I started modelling, my goal was to change that notion and the public perception, and introduce them to the whole idea of diversity and being more inclusive. I wanted everyone to know that, regardless of what colour your skin is or what shape you’re in, you can still very well be a model, because you don’t necessarily have to fit into the textbook standards of what’s most often portrayed.”

Amidst her triumphs on runways and campaigns, Sonya's story champions self-acceptance, self-love and resilience. Her narrative shines as a reminder that appearances shouldn’t ever stop us from following our dreams.

Kyrie green

Handle: @kyrie_g_

From the UK, Kyrie celebrates that she's “Just a 20-something in love with skincare, makeup and spreading acne + skin positivity” and uses her platform to normalise, inspire and remove shame around ‘normal’ skin behaviour. She was even featured in GLAMOUR Magazine Germany as a role model influencer reminding us to be comfortable in our own skin.

“Real skin always. Because texture doesn’t mean you are ugly. And texture doesn’t mean you are unclean. And texture doesn’t mean you are worthless.Texture is real AND beautiful and so are you.”

We love how much she empowers her viewers to be kind to themselves, and provides simple and great at-home beauty and skincare tips - a must follow!

Chloe Marie Bean

Handle: @chl0ebean

Meet the gorgeous Chloe Bean, a true inspiration from the US who is challenging stereotypes and dispelling stigma with each of her striking and hilarious posts on Instagram and TikTok. Her unique brand of confidence and bald beauty is redefining norms and making a powerful impact, setting a inspiring example for all.

“Loving who you are and embracing things that are far out of your control makes you unique, powerful, and beautiful.”

Now she is the kind of role model we should be showing the next generation!

Rocyie wong

Handle: @rocyie

Apart from the Kim Kardashian context, psoriasis remains a relatively uncommon topic in the beauty world. This is where Rocyie, a Malaysia-based influencer and health coach, emerges as a true breath of fresh air representative. All her platforms are filled with real and relatable insights and pragmatic advice on psoriasis management - she is a true gift for anyone that wants tools and authentic representation.

“I am very open about my journey as you can see. Every piece of content I post here represents a piece of me. I speak from the heart, I honour my truth and I aspire to live as bravely as I can. My intention is to encourage each and everyone of us to live in our truth and to show up each day from the most authentic space of our being. If any of the pictures / words aspire you to live a little more freely, the job is done.”

She believes that we can heal our body form the inside out, and has a beautiful coaching platform full of free tips and tricks called Psogood you have to check out! You go girl.

bottom line

In a world unfortunately saturated with Photoshop and filters, we've showcased these five beautiful people who redefine beauty on their own terms. Their stories remind us that individuality trumps conformity, and self-love is the ultimate form of empowerment and expression of beauty.

Let’s embrace our own uniqueness and celebrate our inherent beauty that radiates from within.



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