The Laughs and Lessons of Teaching Your Boyfriend About The Golden Hours Of Makeup

THIS IS FOR THOSE WHO CAN RELATE TO THE maddening experience of dealing with a partner who just doesn't understand the importance of those precious golden hours of makeup.

Picture this: You've spent ages meticulously applying your makeup for a wedding, only to discover that your better half (bless his heart) got the pickup time wrong. Now you've got hours to kill, and all that hard work is ticking closer to its expiration date. Sound familiar?

This happened to me just a few weeks ago, and amidst my rage - yes, literal rage - I thought why not turn this into a story, because surely I am not the only one with these feelings (right?).

Let’s have a look at why makeup is at its best in the first few hours, why our lovely partners seem to struggle with this concept, and why they could do with paying attention!

The Golden Hours of Makeup: A Love Story

We all know that our makeup looks its best in the first few hours after application - it's like a honeymoon phase for our faces. The foundation hasn't betrayed us by settling into fine lines, our eyeshadow still looks like a masterpiece, and our lipstick hasn't pulled a disappearing act. These golden hours are prime time for making a stunning entrance at any event, especially when you want to make jaws drop and cameras flash.

Now, let's talk about our partners in crime (and in life), who seem to have a knack for not grasping the intricacies of makeup. Maybe it's because they can get ready in 15 minutes flat (grrr), or because they think that "baking" is just something you do in the kitchen. Whatever the reason, we can't help but roll our eyes and laugh at their bewildered expressions when they see us apply fake eyelashes for the first time.

Throughout history, makeup has played a huge role in our self-expression, status, and identity. Our obsession with looking flawless at events like weddings might seem a bit over-the-top, but it's a shared experience that unites us in our quest for to look our best, to honour our friends big day. So, when our partners throw a wrench in the works by messing up the schedule, it's no wonder we want to throw our beauty blenders at them (but we won't because those things are expensive!).

The Science of Makeup's Downward Spiral: A Tragic Tale

So, why does makeup tend to go downhill after those beautiful golden hours? Let's break it down:

Oxidation: When our skin's natural oils mingle with our makeup, it's like an unwanted houseguest crashing the party. The result? Foundation that's a shade darker and more orange than we bargained for.

Creasing and Settling: As time passes, our makeup starts to show its true colors, literally. It gets comfortable, sinking into fine lines and creases like a lazy Sunday on the couch.

Environmental Sabotage: The world around us is like a makeup assassin, plotting to smudge, smear, and fade our carefully crafted looks with heat, humidity, and wind.

Here is what we can do, ladies!

To help you achieve makeup longevity and enhance your overall appearance, I've compiled a list of expert tips and tricks to make your makeup last as long as possible ( in case your boyfriend pulls the same card as mine on my friends wedding day!).

Preparation is Key: To lay a solid foundation for long-lasting makeup, it's crucial to prepare your skin properly. Start with a clean and moisturized face. Apply a lightweight primer to create a smooth canvas that holds makeup in place. Opt for long-wear and waterproof products that are specifically designed to withstand humidity, sweat, and oil. Additionally, incorporating a setting spray into your routine can provide an extra layer of protection.

Practical Application Techniques: The application technique you employ can greatly affect the longevity of your makeup. Use a makeup sponge or brushes to apply foundation, concealer, and powders for a flawless finish. Set liquid or cream-based products with a finely milled translucent powder to prevent creasing and melting throughout the day. When it comes to eyeshadows and lipsticks, consider using a primer or lip liner to enhance their staying power.

Strategic Touch-Ups: Despite your best efforts, some makeup may inevitably fade or smudge over time. Be prepared by carrying a small touch-up kit consisting of blotting papers, a compact powder, a lipstick, and a travel-sized brush. Blot away excess oil before reapplying powder to avoid a cakey appearance. Reapply lipstick using a lip brush for precision and longevity.

Proper Maintenance: Taking care of your makeup and ensuring its longevity extends beyond the application process. Keep your makeup brushes and sponges clean to prevent bacteria buildup, which can affect the performance of your products. Store your makeup in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, as heat and sunlight can alter the texture and quality of certain cosmetics.

Why Partners Should Care: A Call to Arms

Our beloved partners may not share our passion for makeup, but here's why they should at least care about our golden hours:

  1. Empathy: By showing empathy and understanding, they can score major brownie points and strengthen our bond (and avoid the wrath of a frustrated makeup lover).

  2. Time Management: We can all agree that nobody wants to deal with a last-minute scramble to get ready. By keeping track of the schedule, our partners can save us from unnecessary stress and makeup meltdowns (personal experience).

  3. Avoiding the "You Look Tired" Comment: Trust me, no one wants to hear this, especially after spending hours perfecting our makeup. By being mindful of the golden hours, our partners can help ensure we look fresh and fabulous throughout the event.

  4. Brownie Points: Let's be honest, your partner probably won’t ever accompany you on a trip to Sephora, or share your enthusiasm for your new Glossier lip gloss, but one that respects your love for it, and even better, notices the effort you put into looking good, is a keeper.

the bottom line

Though we may laugh and shake our heads at our partners' cluelessness about makeup, it's essential to remember that they are (usually) well-meaning and just trying their best. So by telling them the importance of the golden hours and the effort that goes into our beauty routines, we can help them become more supportive and understanding.

So, the next time your partner messes up the schedule or asks why you need so many eyeshadow palettes, take a deep breath, chuckle at the situation, and use it as a teaching moment. After all, there's nothing more powerful than a group of makeup-loving individuals and their supportive partners taking on the world, one perfectly contoured cheek at a time.

And to all the partners out there: Remember, the golden hours of makeup are sacred – treat them with the respect they deserve, and you'll be rewarded with a gorgeous, confident, and grateful significant other.



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