Jay & Radhi Devlukia-Shetty Challenge “Perfect Relationship” Myths And Share Their Best Tools For Staying Madly In Love

In the world of self-improvement, Jay Shetty and his wife, Radhi, have touched the lives of countless individuals around the world, guiding them towards mastering their physical and mental well-being, and how to celebrate Love in every way possible. And we are all for that.

Jay, a renowned life coach, a hugely influential podcast host ( when we mean huge, we mean his YouTube interviews have over 7 billion views to date) and bestselling author.

But his journey to success wasn't your run-of-the-mill tale. In his mid-20s, Jay took a leap of faith, leaving behind a thriving corporate career to embark on an unconventional path monk for three transformative years.

Despite the skepticism from friends, this seemingly unconventional choice proved to be a deeply rewarding experience, shaping the wisdom he shares with us today.

In a world often obsessed with finding ‘perfect matches’, Jay invites us to embrace the challenges, to stand strong in the face of adversity, and to foster connections built on mutual understanding and respect.

Radhi is an influential social media personality and the Queen of Ayurvedic Nutrition—an eating philosophy grounded in traditional Indian medicine. She has become a trusted source of inspiration, regularly offering a wealth of recipes, meal plans, and invaluable tips through her vibrant social media platforms, as well as passionately empowering others to embark on a transformative journey towards optimal health and discover the profound impact of nourishing their bodies with wholesome, plant-based nutrition.

Her infectious enthusiasm for this way of life shines through in every culinary creation, motivating others to explore the incredible flavours, textures, and nourishment that this ancient plant-based eating has to offer.

their inspiring love story: ‘doing good’ together, and individually

In Jay’s latest book, "8 Rules of Love: How to Find It, Keep It, and Let It Go he shares his remarkable love story with Radhi, whom he serendipitously met through their families at an ashram while participating in seva—selfless service for the community— which solidified not only their love, but their shared passion to help others. Their story serves as a poignant reminder that love is not just about fleeting emotions; it is about finding common ground and working through differences with grace and compassion.

Their commitment to their audience is simply unreal. Every week, they share a wealth of insights, ranging from practical tips on healthy living and meditation to invaluable relationship advice. But what truly sets them apart are the utterly amazing podcast interviews. In those conversations, celebrities reveal the most honest and authentic sides of themselves, providing a perspective-changing experience for all their viewers.

Their philanthropic teamwork goes beyond their personal success, exemplifying their commitment to making a difference in their community and the world. Through their support of various charitable organizations focused on education, mental health, and child welfare, they embody the belief that true fulfillment lies in the positive impact one leaves on the lives of others. Their dedication to giving back serves as a brilliant reminder that true success is measured not only by personal achievements but by the meaningful changes brought forth by selfless acts of kindness.

Their latest venture, Drink Juni, introduces a new line of sparkling teas infused with adaptogenic ingredients derived from select plants. These botanical elements aim to fortify the body, assisting in combating stress, fatigue, and anxiety—an offering tailor-made for the demanding landscape of modern life. Could they be anymore of a powerhouse superteam gift to the world?!

often relationships issues are minor, dressed up as major. the theme is disconnect

In the realm of relationships, it's often not a major issue or conflict that causes trouble, but rather a gradual disconnection that takes hold. Jay expresses this phenomenon as the "atrophy of intimacy." As the demands of daily life consume us, we find ourselves resorting to mere surface-level connections, such as mindlessly zoning out in front of the television together. We do so out of exhaustion, convenience, or fear of vulnerability and rejection. However, fostering intimacy need not be a daunting task; in fact, it can be an exhilarating journey of self-discovery and shared experiences. By stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing new adventures, we not only deepen our connection with our partners, but also unlock newfound insights about ourselves. And for Jay and Radhi, their unexpected love for escape rooms not only provided moments of exhilaration, but also uncovered a shared passion that reinforced their connection.

The key to revitalising intimacy and ‘re-connection’ lies in breaking free from the mundane and embracing the thrill of the new adventures. Jay reminds us that fostering intimacy doesn't have to be an arduous or complex endeavour; in fact, it can be immensely enjoyable. Engaging in new experiences becomes a gateway to self-discovery and a deeper understanding of our loved ones.

In our pursuit of intimacy, it is vital to remember that trying new things yields remarkable rewards. By venturing beyond our routines and embracing novelty, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities. These experiences become the catalysts for personal and relational growth. Engaging in activities that challenge us and spark joy not only enriches our individual lives but also strengthens the foundation of our partnerships.

love is all around, were just so focued on getting in instead of giving it

Jay shares in an Interview with Vogue India:

“The thing is, love really is all around us, we’re just over-focused on getting it, instead of giving it. But when we share love with others, we experience it too. So that opportunity to feel love is right here, right now. This is one of the key points that I focus on [in my book].”

8 rules of love: how to find it, keep it & let it go

Jay's book covers his eight rules of love – here's a sneak peak at some takeaways and tips for us to reflect on:

Rule 1: Let yourself be alone

"We've been made to believe that if we're not with someone that we're inadequate or unworthy in some way, but being alone can actually be an incredible time to discover your personality, discover your values and discover your goals." 

Rule 2: Don't ignore your karma

"Karma is a mirror, showing us where our choices have led us," Jay writes in the book. "Instead of unconsciously allowing the past to guide us, I want us to learn from our past to make decisions. … When we learn from the past, we heal it." 

Rule 3: Define love before you think it, feel it or say it

"We all have so many different definitions of the word love. It means so many different things to so many different people. Someone could say 'I love you' and it means 'I want to spend my life with you.' And someone else could say 'I love you' and it means 'I want to spend one night with you,' and everything in between those two definitions." 

Rule 4: Your partner is your guru

"Your partner should be someone you want to learn with and learn from and learn through, and vice versa," Jay writes. "If we choose a partner we can grow with, then they are always teaching us." 

Rule 5: Your purpose comes first

"We romanticize the idea of making sacrifices and devoting ourselves to another person, and there are beautiful ways to do so. But I've seen people who put their own purpose aside and years down the line feel lost or misled," Jay writes. "Your purpose has to come first for you, and your partner's purpose has to come first for them. Then you come together with the positive energy and stability that come from pursuing your purposes." 

Rule 6: Win or lose together

"Conflict has a bad reputation," Jay writes. "We want to think we can be the couple who understands each other deeply and never fights. We're special. We're different. But no matter how compatible a couple is, to live in conflict-free bliss isn't love, it's avoidance." 

Rule 7: You don't break in a breakup

"A lot of us have looked at life waiting for someone … to love us to feel we're lovable," Jay said. "With empathy and compassion, I ask you to ask yourself: Why? Why are we letting our self-worth be defined by someone else? Why are we outsourcing our value?"

Rule 8: Love and love again

"We spend our whole life wishing, waiting, wanting, hoping to get and receive love, but when we take a step toward giving love, sharing love, expanding love, we get to experience it right then and there." 

the bottom line

Through Jay and Radhi’s remarkable love story and their experiences they’ve learnt and grown from, they inspires us to embrace the messy, imperfect, yet extraordinary nature of ordinary love. They remind us that the true strength of any relationship lies in our ability to navigate differences with empathy and openness.



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